Sunday, December 31, 2017

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from this very pregnant family! 

29 weeks VS 29 years

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Preggo Diaries: The Second Trimester

Chocolate chip cookies. Mango shake. Peanut butter sandwich. Mango shake. Fried bananas. Calamansi juice. Mango shake. These are my constant cravings for the past couple of months. 

The first trimester has been pretty normal as far as my diet is concerned. But maaaan, my second trimester caught up too fast! I gained 4 kilograms in a span of one month! I eat everything I see on the table. Also, I feel like a volcano of raging hormones. I cry, laugh and get pissed at every small detail. My boyfriend ignored my question one morning and I cried for 10 minutes straight. I wanted to drink his last sip of soda, he said no and the argument got so bad I broke off my relationship! That same day, I almost ended up at the hospital because I was literally fuming mad my boyfriend thought I was having a fever! Hahaha!  I still can't believe how crazy pregnancy hormones are. I also cry at the lamest jokes and my laughs are so loud it fills up an entire Fastfood restaurant (another true story).

It is during this trimester though that I felt the sexiest and most beautiful. The tummy has passed its awkward bloating stage and it's turned into a legit bump. People can now recognize I'm actually pregnant! Which works miracles in grocery stores, fast food joints and paying the bills. Yey! I have abused the priority lanes like nobody's business. People have become extra sweet and nice and my boyfriend now cuts my toenails without a flinch! Haha

Best thing about the second trimester is feeling the kicks and movement of the little one. He responds to alternative and rock music consistently and kicks back every time  daddy touches my tummy. Also, I think our son would be able to recognize every Grey's Anatomy character by now since he's been especially active during his parents' Grey's marathons. I haven't figured out his sleeping pattern though because it changes every now and then. But it's comforting to know that this tiny human is being comfortable inside mommy's tummy.

We are officially down to our last trimester and I'm all emotional trying to wrap my head around all of this. I'm almost thereeeee!!!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Landslide - Chloe Kohanski (The Voice)

I have not been able to keep track of the latest season of The Voice since I don't get to have a lot of TV time. But during scheduled breaks at work, I do indulge myself in discovering fresh new artists. And I am OBSESSED with this girl and this performance is one of my favorites this season. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Oh, Boy! (The Gender Reveal and Surprise Baby Shower)

The news is out! We are having a booooooy!!!

A few days ago, I had my scheduled mid-pregnancy ultrasound to check the baby's development. This one is pretty scary since we get to see if the organs are functioning well, the limbs are complete and if the baby's growing normally. Also, this ultrasound can already check the gender! There's a lot of paranoia and anxiety in just a simple procedure. 

Our least worry was the gender. I've always said I don't really mind if I was having a boy or a girl as long as the baby is healthy and doing okay inside my 'hostile uterus'. Our friends and family on the other hand have been doing the guessing game for a while now and most of them have almost decided it's going to be a girl just from looking at me for a few seconds! The baby daddy was also rooting for a girl! Haha. 

Ultrasound day came and I was with my boyfriend and friends. My friends have been planning on a gender reveal event for weeks and we were instructed to inform the doctor not to reveal the gender just yet. They had to receive the result themselves so we wouldn't try to take a peak hehe. We had the other result and ultrasound photo (without the gender caption) though and thankfully our baby is growing very healthy! 

We had to wait an excruciating five days for the gender reveal. My friends have organized it and the only information we had was to show up in Gabby's Bistro at 4pm. Tuesday finally came and my boyfriend and I arrived in Dumaguete at 12 noon because uhm we were that excited. 

 The Setup

The Reveal 

Baby Dadddyy

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

B A B Y By Carla Thomas

Currently my new go-to feel good song care of the movie Baby Driver! I love that some current movies now feature old songs. It's nice discovering good music from the past and this one is an example. My boyfriend and I have been listening to this regularly. And I even sing it to my little peanut inside my belly! 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Preggo Diaries: The First Trimester

I'm officially on my second trimester! So I guess it's safe to share the news to everyone that I'm carrying a bun in my oven. πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ά (Although my boyfriend has practically announced it to everybody already)

We found out we were expecting on my 6th week of pregnancy. I pretty much had a very regular period and my two-week delay was a giveaway. The day we found out we were pregnant, my boyfriend and one of my best friends Anj immediately scheduled my first prenatal checkup so I was checked by my OB Gyne very early on. We did our first ultrasound and the baby was very tiny but had a good cardiac activity (Yay!) Some say I had my checkup very early. Most have their first doctor visit on their 8th week. Heck I even know a friend who had it on her 4th month! But anyway, it feels like it was ages since we knew we were pregnant.

There were definitely changes so far. I didn't have the good old morning sickness but my food aversions were very evident. I would crave something to eat and end up not finishing even half of my meal. My breasts are tender and sore the whole time (something my friends noticed right away too). Also, I practically slept thru my 8th to 11th week. I was very useless, I did nothing but sleep. In the morning. In the afternoon. Sometimes even before bedtime I would still take naps. My fatigue was in an all time high and the bed was my friend for weeks. I did recover and gain back my energy after my 12th week.

However, something that worries me is that I'm still not showing yet. I don't exactly have a very flat tummy but a noticeable bulge is still not there yet (as of writing time) either. I frequently have a bloated tummy tho and the baby daddy has been constantly whispering to 'it' everyday. But the bloated tummy goes away every morning! I have asked my mommy and preggy friends if it was normal and turns out it is, especially if you're having a baby for the first time. Most of them started showing on their 4th to 5th month. Which means I still have to wait at least a month to see the bumpy bump. 

So yah, glad to be still surviving! On to the next stage! Excited! πŸ˜„

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Life Changes in a Heartbeat

This time last year, I was living a pretty normal life. I just got into a new relationship, loved the work I did and was enjoying some free time with friends and family. 

A week after, my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Two weeks later, we had to move to Cebu for her series of treatments and I had to quit work indefinitely. Then I found myself living back  in Cebu for around 6 months. It was unquestionably the hardest and longest six months of my life. 

Three months ago, my boyfriend successfully passed his bar examinations and everybody was celebrating. A few days later, my mother finally succumbed to her illness after a very hard-fought battle. She was finally laid to rest. 

A month ago my boyfriend and I found out we were pregnant and we are now a pair of paranoid expecting parents. Currently, I'm back to work and starting to have a new routine. A brand new life.

Safe to say I had a year full of the highest highs and the lowest lows. It has been a crazy 12 months to say the least. But every single thing and endeavor had a lot to teach. I have become a different person after everything.

The thing is, life changes in a heartbeat. Sometimes, life is devastating. Other times, it's brilliantly wonderful. Here's to more meaningful roller coaster rides. Thank you Lord for everything.

Friday, May 5, 2017

My Mr. Atty.

Congratulations Atty. Jose Realito A. Acas II! Well-deserved! Sooo proud of you swan. πŸ’“

Thank you Lord for this blessing!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentines Day in Sandbar, Manjuyod

This year's Valentines Day was spent with some entirely new people in my life! Hehe. After 3 failed date plans by my boyfriend (I'm a very busy woman), we decided to tag along with his friends instead. 

It wasn't the best time to visit the sandbar as it was extremely windy that day. Of course, that didn't stop us from taking advantage of the sea, sand and how could I forget the food! It was a feast!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

WCW: The Chicness That Is Olivia Palermo

I am a very unoriginal person! (Haha has anyone actually claimed that themselves?) I'm the typical girl who picks up anything from the TV series she watches, music she listens to and the famous celebs she follows on Instagram! 

One of my all-time faves? Olivia Palermo. This lady has got to be one of the finest young women I have ever followed for a while. So refined. So clean. So chic. I can even smell her from my computer. She smells like fresh linen. And farts rainbows hehe.

This style icon always looks good. No bad angles. No wardrobe malfunctions. Perfect ka bes! 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Chubby Bunny Challenge with Jec and Ttye

Here's a silly video my friend and I made one cold January evening. Here's to hoping we'd make it to the top and name ourselves Youtube sensations in the next few days. Haha!


Monday, January 16, 2017

Ola 2017!

Happy New Year everyone!

Looking forward to a more peaceful and less exhausting year ahead. Particularly looking forward to more beach trips with friends and family this year.

Thank you dear Lord for a fresh new start. :)