Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Oh, Boy! (The Gender Reveal and Surprise Baby Shower)

The news is out! We are having a booooooy!!!

A few days ago, I had my scheduled mid-pregnancy ultrasound to check the baby's development. This one is pretty scary since we get to see if the organs are functioning well, the limbs are complete and if the baby's growing normally. Also, this ultrasound can already check the gender! There's a lot of paranoia and anxiety in just a simple procedure. 

Our least worry was the gender. I've always said I don't really mind if I was having a boy or a girl as long as the baby is healthy and doing okay inside my 'hostile uterus'. Our friends and family on the other hand have been doing the guessing game for a while now and most of them have almost decided it's going to be a girl just from looking at me for a few seconds! The baby daddy was also rooting for a girl! Haha. 

Ultrasound day came and I was with my boyfriend and friends. My friends have been planning on a gender reveal event for weeks and we were instructed to inform the doctor not to reveal the gender just yet. They had to receive the result themselves so we wouldn't try to take a peak hehe. We had the other result and ultrasound photo (without the gender caption) though and thankfully our baby is growing very healthy! 

We had to wait an excruciating five days for the gender reveal. My friends have organized it and the only information we had was to show up in Gabby's Bistro at 4pm. Tuesday finally came and my boyfriend and I arrived in Dumaguete at 12 noon because uhm we were that excited. 

 The Setup

The Reveal 

Baby Dadddyy

At the same time, my friends have decided to throw us a surprise baby shower! I was clueless and confused why there were so many gifts. Turns out my ever trusty bebz thought of having a baby registry for us and so we received very important and necessary stuff for our future newborn! Our friends are so sweet!

Group pic!

So blessed to have friends who are like family. Thank you thank you guys for all the love! Our baby is so lucky to have very loving and generous titas and titos!

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