Friday, March 30, 2012

My Idol Faves 2012

I'm pretty sure I promised to blog about my fave contestants here and I'm doing it today. I know this is around three weeks (or more) late but there are still a couple of people left on Idol so I'm still good! :-p

As of writing time, Heejun just got eliminated and we are left with only 8 performers. And can I just say how amazing all the singers are? I mean this batch is so varied that any of them can actually win the title!

...but I have my faves of course.

4. Skylar Laine

The country girl! Represent baby!!! She idolizes Miranda Lambert and she sings so much like her too! What I love about her is that she's a country rocker with this insane voice. And her moves are cray cray, I could totally jump with her as she performs! True story btw.

3. Phil Phillips

Ahhhh!!! This guy! *shivers down my spine* All it takes is a picture of him...and then I'm all stuck at the screen for the next 10 minutes...

*10 minutes later*

Phil could sing too! I mean he sings really really really good. Plus he doesn't care about what clothes and color he wears on stage. CONFIDENCE IS SEXY!

2. Jessica Sanchez

Why are you not surprised?? Heheh. I know I've got some patriotic bias and that's normal. But this girl is different from any other Filipino contestants on Idol. She's the real deal dawg!!! *imagine Randy Jackson's accent* I've never been rooting for a Filipino contestant before until now. I really hope she goes as far as the finale (top 2). *fingers crossed*

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Other Concert: Annebisyosa in Cebu

I had one of the best surprises ever when I found out that I was going to Cebu to watch Anne Curtis-Smith live on stage! My initial reaction when Sinta broke the news at 2 in the morning? I literally went up-and-down-up-and-down-up-and-down-up-and-down jumping AND crying myself to death. I couldn't believe it was true so my excited mouth was all "Sure ni Ga? As in sure jud ka? Way joke? Asa ang ticket?" LOL

Sinta couldn't make it to the concert since he had some work-related things to do in Bayawan. However, Elvin (Sinta's brother) and Jo Ann (Elvin's wife) got themselves tickets too so I had companions! Plus most of Jo Ann's workmates were there too so it was really a riot!

I figured my readers wouldn't really care about other stuff in this post aside from the photos so here they are...

Elvin and Jo Ann at Mooon Cafe IT Park
All attorneys in the house!
With MHTG 
Ads before the show
Opening number
THE Mouth
Who Run the World

Katy Perry medley

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Longest Movie Marathon

Pearl (My Hug-Therapy Girl) and Tintin (My Bhebz) at SM Cinema Cebu. This is pre - Corazon: Ang Unang Aswang. Taken by Choi Choi (Partz)

Note: March 24, 2012 dates the longest movie marathon I've had in my entire life. FOUR movies all in one day. Whoah. Kbye.

Birdy Love

Wow. I can't believe I haven't been writing for weeks!!! So I will be doing my comeback post today and it's about someone who's consistently been on my playlist for a week now!

Her name is Birdy. And she is LEGEN...wait for it...DARY!

Saw her for the first time on Ellen last week and I've been going bananas ever since. Apparently, she's been all over the net recently and I blame myself for not 'youtubing' anymore these days. I'd also partly blame Adele.

Anyway, this is the video of her guesting at the Ellen Show...

This is one of my favorite songs of her...

This girl is unbelievably talented and she's only 15! Oh my God! I have no idea what I was doing when I was 15! Hahah. Hope you love her songs too!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Retractable Bed

Seriously, how cool is this space?

Image from

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How To Survive a PNP Checkpoint

If you happen to live within Metro Dumaguete, you’d notice how often checkpoints occur at any given time. Normally, if you are the law-abiding type of person and you have your driving license, vehicle registration and side mirrors all in tact, then you have nothing to worry about. But if you’re someone like Sinta who’s got all the excuses in the world not to renew his license for over a year now, then that’s where your problem starts. So how do you get away with it? Most often, you just try to avoid the highways and make friends with all the alternate routes. They eat up your fuel alright, but you certainly have no choice.

But what if you fell into the trap a little too late for you to notice?

Last night after our “tocino high” with some of our old friends (who got reunited…it’s complicated), I had a very heated argument with Sinta on our way home. In the middle of all the rebuttals and rants to make an interruption, we came across a PNP checkpoint – something Sinta has been avoiding for the last year or two. Imagine the horror on my face when I realized that it was too late for us to turn around and escape! Those policemen were just only five meters away from us and Sinta was roughly 3 seconds away from being held hostage! Oh noooo! We’re doomed for life I wanna die that minute!!! Okay, that was an exaggeration.

So what’s a guy like Sinta did? Well, you know what they say. Guys got to do what they’ve got to do! ACT EVERYTHING OUT. To sum it all up in three letters, LIE. LOL. Okay, so this is going to be longer than I imagined, but probably doing this list would be best for my readers who share the same problem. This might not be perfect, but damn it they’re good and slightly effective!