Sunday, September 3, 2017

Preggo Diaries: The First Trimester

I'm officially on my second trimester! So I guess it's safe to share the news to everyone that I'm carrying a bun in my oven. πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘Ά (Although my boyfriend has practically announced it to everybody already)

We found out we were expecting on my 6th week of pregnancy. I pretty much had a very regular period and my two-week delay was a giveaway. The day we found out we were pregnant, my boyfriend and one of my best friends Anj immediately scheduled my first prenatal checkup so I was checked by my OB Gyne very early on. We did our first ultrasound and the baby was very tiny but had a good cardiac activity (Yay!) Some say I had my checkup very early. Most have their first doctor visit on their 8th week. Heck I even know a friend who had it on her 4th month! But anyway, it feels like it was ages since we knew we were pregnant.

There were definitely changes so far. I didn't have the good old morning sickness but my food aversions were very evident. I would crave something to eat and end up not finishing even half of my meal. My breasts are tender and sore the whole time (something my friends noticed right away too). Also, I practically slept thru my 8th to 11th week. I was very useless, I did nothing but sleep. In the morning. In the afternoon. Sometimes even before bedtime I would still take naps. My fatigue was in an all time high and the bed was my friend for weeks. I did recover and gain back my energy after my 12th week.

However, something that worries me is that I'm still not showing yet. I don't exactly have a very flat tummy but a noticeable bulge is still not there yet (as of writing time) either. I frequently have a bloated tummy tho and the baby daddy has been constantly whispering to 'it' everyday. But the bloated tummy goes away every morning! I have asked my mommy and preggy friends if it was normal and turns out it is, especially if you're having a baby for the first time. Most of them started showing on their 4th to 5th month. Which means I still have to wait at least a month to see the bumpy bump. 

So yah, glad to be still surviving! On to the next stage! Excited! πŸ˜„