Monday, October 17, 2016

#TiniWiniToInfinity (Tin and Choi's Wedding)

One of my very best friends got married two weeks ago!!! And I am one lucky, happy and sleepless friend!
I have known Bebz Tin (the bride) for almost two decades now. We practically grew up together, having been classmates from grade school 'til college. I don't know how we managed to put up with each other considering our totally different personalities but somehow, we haven't had any major fights ever since. I am so proud of this friendship! Haha. 

Tin and Choi has been a couple since 2007, back when Friendster was still a thing and front cam selfies were non-existent. It has been a 'rocky' past few years (to say the least) for them but the two got out of it stronger than ever.
Anyway, it was almost impossible for me to attend this wedding since days before the date, I had to move to Cebu for Mama's therapy. But I guess the universe conspired magically for me witness this moment and lo and behold, we had to go home for the weekend! That exact wedding weekend! 

Tin and I share the same sets of friends and I was smiling and laughing and overall having a lot of fun that entire day! It was a riot!

Warning: This post is photo heavy.

With Pearl and Arthsen. The most sarcastic b*tches I have ever known. 
 My Beeeeebz! Love this High School group to death!