Hi everyone! This is my first ever post on this blog which I made a few seconds ago at the last day of 2011. I thought I'd do more public blogging next year. Well, I've been 'public-blogging' on Tumblr this year actually and it's sort of a transition period from my private writing over the years. And I must say, I kinda like it so I've finally convinced my shy-from-the-public-eye-self to come out, do what I love and share it with others.
I have my dysmenorrhea to thank for today for this bright idea while sinking myself on my computer chair. A few more hours and it's 2012! Welcome to a new year full of surprises! Let us welcome 2012!
And please please welcome me back to Blogger! Woohoo!
Taken by Sinta right before Tambong last December 29,2011